
Demdike Stare with Michael England

Miles Whittaker and Sean Canty have been shaping a truly impressive body of work for the last ten years, from their first albums full of noxious soundscapes and generic experimentation to their new album, the excellent “Wonderland”, which both speeds things up and goes back to the basics of rave-jungle and bass music. In 2009, soon after starting Demdike Stare, the duo founded the DDS label, the youngest brother of Modern Love, a platform to which they are still closely linked and on which they have published most of their albums. Michael England is known in the electronic universe for his cover designs for labels such as Warp (Leila) and Skam (Bola, Gescom), although his work is of course much more extensive, with work in the fields of animation, cinema or photography, among other disciplines.