
Paula Te

Paula Te designs and builds interfaces at the intersection of learning, crafting, and culture. She specializes in hybrid digital-physical artifacts and environments that explore alternative visions of the future. Her practice centers community and people from diverse backgrounds, welcoming folks to co-create and contribute their vision of the future, allowing for multiplicities of experiences to unfold.

Paula built a platform named Collaboratura as an Instigator Fellow for the San Francisco Opera (2022-2023) to explore tools for creative collaboration across disciplines in the creative arts. She was previously a design researcher at Dynamicland (2015-2019), investigating a new computational medium woven into physical space. Her work on digital fabrication and interfaces has been featured in Ars Electronica, SIGCHI Interaction Design & Children and Eyeo Festival.

A believer of bridging cross-cultural connection through sustainable community craft, she was a Dinacon Node Leader in Sri Lanka (2022) and facilitated the creation of a recycling machine that turns plastic waste into raw material for new products (2022). Her mini-zine on decolonization has been published in the Interwoven: Black/Asian Solidarities Zine (2022). Born to Indonesian-Chinese immigrants in the US, Paula currently resides in Duwamish, Seattle, Washington state. Visit paulate.com for more info.