d3.intro with Shirley Wu
Interested in learning how to use d3.js? Join d3.bayarea for the second event in a series of educational lectures. Shirley Wu is excited to introduce you to d3 with an interactive tour of the basics: bring your laptop and your thinking cap, you will be getting your hands dirty. Follow along as Shirley helps you get over the first major learning curve in d3: selections. You don't need to have coding experience to follow along, just a little familiarity with HTML & CSS. $5 - $20 Sliding-Scale entry.
- 6:30
- Doors open
- 7:00
- Shirley teaches
- 8:00
- Q&A
- 8:15
- Show & Tell
Shirley Wu
Shirley currently works at security company Illumio, visualizing application traffic and building visual tools for writing security policies. She is a semi-frequenter of the Bay Area D3 User Group, and builds silly #datavizzy things on the side. She also gives talks sometimes.
The d3 Bay Area Meetup Group
The d3 Bay Area Meetup Group has been holding d3-inspired events since 2012 and numbers nearly 2,000 data-driven users.