"Time is a phantasm of motion." - Hobbes 1665.
If time traditionally is seen to move forward as a steady tick-tock of absolutism, Delta-T explores recent
research and theories of quantum physics, gravity, time and its relativity to mass and speed. Through jumps forward and backward, glitches and stroboscopic accelerations, Delta-T challenges preconceptions of time-based compositions such as constant flow, linearity, and irreversibility.
The performance exposes the infinitely small and the magnitude of the infinitely immense which comprise our universe, and suggests perhaps with this perspective we can more appreciate the fragility and beauty of what's right here within our reach.
Combining elements of gameboy, MPC, synth, and R&B style vocals, IDHAZ creates soundscapes and beats to immerse into. IDHAZ will open with visuals by fellow true indigo cofounder rose cherami, splashing sand from the leaky side of a beach town.