

  • Tony Parisi, Carr Wilkerson, Dino Mininno, Don Olmstead, David Robinson, Jack Pryne, John McCutchan, Martha Pettit, Scott Foe, Theo Armour

Interact with your friends on Twitter in a virtual world with Gabulous.  “Gabulous” is the world’s most-immersive Twitter client, bringing the world of Twitter to life in stunning 3D on the web

This hack was created as part of the Art Hack Weekend SF a collaboration between Gray Area Foundation for the Arts and The Creators Project. The Art Hack was an opportunity for San Francisco’s leading web designers, developers, artists and hackers to exchange concepts, projects, and to create the next phase of cutting edge web apps. Full details available at: thecreatorsproject.com/arthackweekendsf

Github URL: https://github.com/tparisi/Gabulous


Tony Parisi @auradeluxe
Carr Wilkerson @carrnation
Dino Mininno @cyberdino
Don Olmstead @don_olmstead
David Robinson @Gamepsych
Jack Pryne @jackpryne
John McCutchan @JohnMcCutchan
Martha Pettit @mgpettit
Scott Foe @scottfoe
Theo Armour @ta