iArt San Francisco
Project Description
Finding and engaging with public art in a new way.
San Francisco has great art but much of it is hard to find. We tell you where it is, how you get to it and help you engage it in a fun and interesting way.
San Francisco has great art but much of it is hard to find–specifically, art outside museums. And it is hard to find because no one knows where it is, no one writes about it, and it has no address. So if you’re looking for a piece of street art, how would you find it? Who would you ask to find the mural on 6th? iART SF tells you where it is, lets you create and share “galleries” of your favorite outdoor art, provides a platform for offering outdoor art tours, and allows you to play challenging and fun “art hunt” games. Play. Explore. Create. Show how much you (art) San Francisco.
Team Information
James Hanusa
Julian Keith Loren
Judith Mayer
Ana Moran
Skot Kuiper
Steve Rhodes
Alicia Warlick
Please visit iArt San Francisco