
Tenderloin Dynamic

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Project Description

Featured during GAFFTA’s inaugural exhibition, Tenderloin Dynamic was a project developed by San Francisco-based Stamen Design. It was a series of interactive and printed pieces that allowed visitors to explore the Tenderloin through a series of different maps and mappings. Using data from the Uptown Tenderloin Historic District, public data made available by the City of San Francisco’s datasf.org and other data sets, the project provided a unique view on this fascinating neighborhood.

The Tenderloin has many faces: National Register Historic District, entry point to San Francisco’s immigrant population, notoriously vice-ridden streets, home to diverse communities and the city’s largest population of children, seat of some of the city’s oldest architecture, the only largely working-class neighborhood within the downtown area, and birthplace of the sexual liberation movement predating the Stonewall riots. Most recently, a new wave of artistic and cultural activity (including GAFFTA) has changed the face of the neighborhood once again. Using real world geographic, demographic and cartographic data, this exhibition offered unique perspectives and unexpected insight to this complex and dynamic nexus at the center of San Francisco’s cultural and social fabric.

Team Information

Stamen Design