
Building dynamic web interfaces with Backbone.js

This workshop is an introduction to Backbone.js, a popular front-end javascript library for creating sophisticated, interactive web interfaces. No prior experience with Backbone.js is needed, however the course will assume that students are familiar with HTML, CSS and Javascript. The workshop will address how the Model-View-Controler pattern, as implemented by Backbone.js, can help organize front-end code and enable dynamic visual interfaces. It will also touch on related concepts, such as data persistence, javascript templates, and performance. The course will use the Backlift back-end service (backlift.com) as a teaching aide, and to limit the scope to just front-end concepts
Day 1:

– The Model View Controller pattern.
– Backbone and MV* alternatives.
– “Single page” websites.
– A Backlift primer.

– Introduction to Backbone views and the Backbone router.
– Javascript templates with Underscore.js and Handlebars.js.
– Begin building a Pinterest style image gallery with comments.

Day 2:

– Data persistence and working with a server.
– Backbone models and collections.

– Backbone events.
– Forms with Backbone.
– Complete the Pinterest style image gallery with comments.
– Backbone.js performance considerations.

Course Materials:

One working laptop and a text editor


Students are expected to be familiar with HTML, CSS and Javascipt.