Friday, March 25 - 7:30 PM
Saturday, March 26 - 7:30 PM
For this project, which premiered in December 2015, the company explored Gregory Dawson's long-held fascination with the musical theory of counterpoint. Most often attributed to music from the Renaissance, the theory of counterpoint – or “punctus contra punctum” – invites one to consider the several layers of a musical composition, or any artistic creation for that matter. Within counterpoint, there are elements of harmony, dissonance, dependence, and independence. The melodic interaction of these separate, but interrelated parts, works to create an effortless-sounding lyricism, yet one that echoes of a complex and richly textured foundation. With this project, Dawson desires to add another layer to the already complex structure of musical counterpoint. A kind of physical “ode” to this type of musical composition, Dawson's choreography is both a reflection of counterpoint (in an effort to preserve its origins), as well as an embellishment of its innate structure (stretching the possible ways in which counterpoint can be interpreted and utilized).
Rich, and heavy, punctus contra punctum is highly physical, with a muscularity that both contrasts and compliments the emotional lyricism of a chamber-style piece of music.
Brahms Opus 51 no1 in c minor will be performed by the The Classical Revolution Quartet.