In this two-day workshop, learn to create artful connections between audio and visual data using Cycling 74’s Max 8. During this session, we will build an audiovisual application that processes incoming audio data to influence generative 3D graphics.
We’ll learn how to build an audiovisual world of reactive 3D shapes in Jitter with OpenGL, and make it shine with interactive shaders and custom visual effects. Finally, we’ll look at live performance strategies and ways to optimize creative expression in Max/MSP/Jitter and Max for Live. This session will be a practical introduction to Jitter, with a focus on 3D graphics, meant for musicians, VJs, and audiovisual artists.
During this workshop, all students will build a custom standalone application, which is a huge benchmark for beginners and those just getting into code. Intermediate attendees will learn enough about OpenGL and Jitter to continue to learn about the framework on their own. Advanced attendees will be empowered to create flashy generative audiovisual systems.