
Gray Crawford

Gray Crawford is a designer and ml*physics*music artist focusing on spatial interaction, expressive tools, and generative dynamics.

Gray grew in Houston starting 1993, schooled in knowledge at St. John’s College in Santa Fe in and interaction design at CMU in Pittsburgh. Gray now lives in the Mission, San Francisco, working as a spatial interaction design engineer at Leap Motion, previously at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab.

At Carnegie Mellon University’s Studio for Creative Inquiry, Gray pursued a Master’s thesis on the embodied development of spatial intuition/familiarity within synthetic VR physics.

Gray’s VR music environments Strata and Filament provide instruments expressively playable via novel material dynamics within physically-simulated cloth and particle flocks.

Xoromancy, created alongside Aman Tiwari in 2019, enables embodied navigation of neural imagery’s high-dimensional latent space via nuanced hand motions.

Gray releases music as Optia.