
Anna Mikkola

Anna Mikkola is a Finnish artist living between London, Berlin and Helsinki. Her practice explores, usually through moving image and audiovisual installations, how technologies shape subjectivities, people’s relationships with the environment, collectivity, and future imaginaries. Her works often engage with porosity, for example, investigating how narratives and materials transform whilst travelling through networks, ecologies and infrastructures. Her recent projects have researched subjectivities and uncertainties within scientific practise particularly in the context of climate modelling and astrobotany.

Anna’s work has been exhibited internationally, among others, at Somerset House, Institute of Contemporary Arts, SPACE, Jupiter Woods (all London), Sonic Acts (Amsterdam), Rewire festival (The Hague), HIAP (Helsinki), Trust (Berlin), L’Inconnue (NYC), INDEX (Stockholm) and FUTURA (Prague). She has given talks, to name a few, at ECAL (Lausanne) and the New Museum (NYC). Her work has been featured in publications such as Elephant magazine, Berlin Art Link, Kaleidoscope and Rhizome. Anna graduated with a MFA from Goldsmiths (London) in 2018 and has been a resident artist at Somerset House Studios since. Previously she co-founded the project space V4ULT in Berlin which was active between 2013 – 2015. Anna has been an Associate Lecturer at various universities and currently teaches at University of the Arts, London.