Bruno Ruviaro
Bruno Tucunduva Ruviaro is a Brazilian composer and performer.
In recent years, the following short biography has appeared in the program notes of his concerts:
Bruno Ruviaro, composer and pianist from São Paulo, Brazil, was born in 1976, and has lived in 22 different places: Rua Theodureto Souto, Rua Cajati, Casa do Seu Demétrio, Rua São Borja, Rua James Adam, Alameda dos Uirapurus, Avenida Modesto Fernandes, Avenida Santa Izabel, Rua Nuno Álvares Pereira, Rua Prof. Djalma Bento, Rua Dr. Nestor Esteves Natividade, Rua Major Diogo, North Park Street, Jericho Street, Olmsted Road, Thoburn Court, Comstock Circle, Via Parma, Rue de l’Hôtel de Ville, Greenoaks Drive, Miramar Street, 26th Street.
Concertgoers have since wondered what to make of this somewhat enigmatic self-presentation. One hypothesis is that this reflects a desire to de-emphasize the role of usual lists of ?notable accomplishments? (academic titles, prizes, and other socially accepted indicators of excellence that often populate program notes) as meaningful criteria for a priori categorizations of musical experience. It may also be read as an invitation for the listener to decide whether or not, and to what extent, this unusual snippet of biographic information is relevant to the music.