
Joshua Noble

I’m a designer and programmer. I keep busy, and I have some fun.

I don’t have a classic computer science background nor do I have a traditional design background. As an undergrad I studied linguistics, math, formal logic, cognitive science, and read a lot of poetry in college. I started programming by trying to build interactive installations using motion detection and image analysis. Along the way I’ve taught myself basic electronics, hardware, C++, Processing, some OpenGL, and some real-time rendering techniques. I like building things and designing stuff that does what it’s supposed to with a minimum of fuss.

I watch a lot of soccer, I keep forgetting all the Chinese I know and keep trying to put more French and Spanish in my head, I’m trying to get back in the habit of reading philosophy again, and I love books, especially Pragmatic Programmers books, O’Reilly ones too. I run, I bike, I day dream some, I love bananas, and I’m back in the U.S. after living in France for a few months. I’ve lived in Taiwan, Russia, France, Argentina, Ohio, Wisconsin, Colorado, New Mexico, Vermont, Rhode Island, Seattle, Boston, New York City, Portland (Oregon), Copenhagen Denmark, and currently, Seattle WA

I’ll be honest. I know this isn’t much of a resume. I’m happily employed now though, so I’m probably not going to be updating it any time soon.