Coded Portraits: Policing Images from the 1500s to Today
– Gray Area Festival Workshop
Mass media revolution follows the lead of a double-edged sword, from the first distributed photographs to the internet as we know it today. On one hand, shareable media has been financed by the pursuit of pornography. On the other, those same images have been used to populate taxonomies of criminalization and control. What commercial sex innovates, institutions of power use to eradicate, producing both the technology and its content to make evidence of this criminality possible. In today’s user-generated media revolution, can we dream of reclaiming our digital selves from the current technologies designed to police them?
This two part session will give students the knowledge and tools to address the complexities of image policing. Part one (facilitated by Gabriella Garcia) will cover the historical counter/discourses of the “erotic engine” from beginning of reproductive surveillance in the 1500s to today. Part two (facilitated by Livia Foldes) will guide students through “Coded Portraits”, a no-code framework for understanding and subverting the aesthetics and politics of automated recognition.
This workshop is part of the Gray Area Festival 2022: Distant Early Warnings, and the C/Change Initiative.
Now in its 8th year, this year’s Gray Area Festival partners with the McLuhan Institute to explore artistic practice as an important sensing agent in a world of rapidly evolving media and technology. Building off work by media theorist Marshall McLuhan, who in 1964 compared artists to Cold War–era distant early warning systems which were designed to raise alarms at signs of impending nuclear catastrophe, this festival stakes a role for arts and technology experimentation as a critical research & development department for society.
C/Change is a joint initiative by Goethe-Institut San Francisco and Gray Area, exploring ways emerging technologies can shape and support digital cultural exchange.
Course Logistics
Sunday, October 2, 2022
Gray Area
2665 Mission Street
San Francisco
3PM – 6PM
$20 – We also offer Diversity Scholarships, find out more and apply here.
Experience level:
No coding skills necessary.
Course Requirements:
Please come prepared with an image you would like to analyze in the workshop.
Bring a laptop. Students will be asked to email an image to be printed for the workshop. All other materials will be provided.
Course Outline
– Introductions
– Lecture
– Break
– “Coded Portraits” no-code workshop
– Post-session check in
About Technologies
Using widely available, no-code tools, we will open the black box of automated image moderation to see what happens when machines analyze the images we post online.