TOGUNA WORLD | THE DREAM LAB – Gray Area Festival Workshop
*TO’GUNA : (togu = shelter, na = big, great or mother, therefore toguna = great shelter)
Traditional meeting place of the Dogon people of Mali, in west Africa, the Toguna is the shelter under which the community gathers to exchange ideas and address issues. Through a ritualized process of discussion it creates a physical, social and psychological space for open communication.
This in-person workshop is a preview of the upcoming installation TOGUNA WORLD which will be released later in October.
Structured around 5 questions—How will we dream, play, love, pray and eat in the future?—it aims to provide a unique framework for participants to envision and manifest more optimistic and positive visions of the future.
To answer the questions, participants will watch a short film, then fill a questionnaire and share their answers with the rest of the group. Speaking is voluntary and guests are encouraged to comment and contribute to the visions shared.
This workshop will be recorded live and archived on a dedicated page on the upcoming TOGUNA website.
This workshop is part of the Gray Area Festival 2022: Distant Early Warnings, and the C/Change Initiative.
Now in its 8th year, this year’s Gray Area Festival partners with the McLuhan Institute to explore artistic practice as an important sensing agent in a world of rapidly evolving media and technology. Building off work by media theorist Marshall McLuhan, who in 1964 compared artists to Cold War–era distant early warning systems which were designed to raise alarms at signs of impending nuclear catastrophe, this festival stakes a role for arts and technology experimentation as a critical research & development department for society.
C/Change is a joint initiative by Goethe-Institut San Francisco and Gray Area, exploring ways emerging technologies can shape and support digital cultural exchange.
Course Logistics
Sunday, October 2, 2022
Gray Area
2665 Mission Street
San Francisco
11AM – 2PM
$20 – We also offer Diversity Scholarships, find out more and apply here.
Experience level:
No prior experience needed.
Course Requirements:
Participants should bring a notebook or paper, and a pen.
Course Outline
– Introductions
– Short Film Screening ” Dreams of the Future”
– Questionnaire and Discussion
– Closing Remarks
Taking inspiration from the gathering place of the Dogon people of Mali, TOGUNA WORLD is a AR/VR Art installation that serves as a forum for cross-cultural conversation on possible futures. Existing both as a physical and a digital experience, the installation is both an immersive Art installation, a metaverse dream world, a spiritual temple, a dream workshop and a media platform dedicated to the investigation of the future.
Informed by IFA, an ancient divination system from West Africa, and by a series of future workshop organised in 2019 in Kenya as part of the African Crossroad and in Ghana, as part of the Year of Return, it fuses Art, Photography, mixed-media collage, sculpture, film, music, bespoke furniture, ceramic, tapestry and food into a seamless experience, designed to encompass our senses and accelerate our imagination towards the envisioning of more positive and optimistic visions of the future.