
Cybernetic Countercultures Intensive
Online Course

What if there were a road less taken in the history of cybernetics — one with profound implications for how we understand technology today?

Alongside the well-known cybernetics of command and control, of informatics and machine intelligence, in the 1960s and 1970s a more organic cybernetic mode also arose, an ecological line of inquiry that foregrounded the complex internal and interactive behaviors of living systems.

A 12-week online course led by Dr. Bruno Clarke and Dr. David McConville of Gaian Systems, and co-produced by Gray Area, the Cybernetic Countercultures Intensive will take this alternative ecological route through the larger history of cybernetics. Our aim is to recover and revive the organic and ecological lines of systems thinking and then to venture toward new ways of conceiving and building advanced technological systems — from machines that work in symbiosis with living processes to adaptive architectures and regenerative infrastructures. Join us on a voyage of rediscovery seeking not to imitate life but to integrate the technosphere with the biosphere, to design a technological paradigm grounded in the sensitivity and sentience of the living world.

Course Logistics

• Every Monday, September 30 - December 16, 2024

• 6:00–8:00PM PST

• Live Access: $750
• Audit Access: $375
• Scholarships are available, apply by September 16!

Experience Level:
• Any

Course Materials:
• Computer with Zoom

Additional Information:
• No Refunds or Exchanges.
• View our FAQ here.
• Contact [email protected] with any questions.

Course Outline

• Week 1 (September 30) – The Whole Earth Network, Organic Cybernetics, and the Problem with Intelligence

I / Roots of Organic Cybernetics
• Week 2 (October 7) – Organism and Artifact
• Week 3 (October 14) – Approaching Autopoiesis
• Week 4 (October 21) – Ecology of Mind

II / Epistemology and Cognition
• Week 5 (October 28) – Epistemological Constructivism
• Week 6 (November 4) – Self-Reference and Biological Autonomy
• Week 7 (November 11) – Planetary Cognition: The Gaia Hypothesis

III / Branches of Neocybernetics
• Week 8 (November 18) – Neocybernetics and Gaia Theory
• Week 9 (November 25) – Life and Mind

IV / Evolutions
• Week 10 (December 2) – Whole Earth Redux
• Week 11 (December 9) – Abundant Intelligences
• Week 12 (December 16) – Project Roundtable

Info Session

Educational Goals

Through this Intensive participants will gain deeper familiarity with the histories of cybernetics, tracing the various schisms, forks, and mutations that have birthed our contemporary modes of thinking about and figuring ourselves within systems. Participants will apply this history to critically and creatively analyzing how contemporary science and technology recapitulate or instigate ruptures in this lineage.

About the Instructor

Bruno Clarke

As the Paul Whitfield Horn Distinguished Professor of Literature and Science Emeritus at Texas Tech University and the 2019 Baruch S. Blumberg/NASA Chair in Astrobiology at the Library of Congress, Dr. Bruno Clarke explores critical ecologies of narrative and systems theory in relation to posthumanism and Gaia theory. With Henry Sussman Dr. Clarke edits the book series Meaning Systems at Fordham University Press and with David McConville and Dawn Danby he curates the website Gaian Systems: Planetary Cognition Lab.

David McConville

David McConville is co-founder of Spherical, an integrative research and design studio offering cosmovision remediation and ontological repair services. With Dr. Bruce Clarke, Spherical developed the Gaian Systems research project to examine intersections between machine cognition, media arts, and Earth systems science. This resulted in a curatorial collaboration with Gray Area on the 2019 Experiential Space Research Lab, for which twelve artists explored the theme of Reworlding: The Art of Living Systems and produced The End of You exhibition weeks before the global lockdown. David has a PhD in Art and Media from the Planetary Collegium at the University of Plymouth.


Gaian Systems

Gaian Systems is a transdisciplinary research project to cultivate new forms and practices of planetary cognition. Our aim at Gaian Systems is to communicate humanity’s participation with and within Earth’s biotic and metabiotic processes.

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