
Photos: Gray Area Showcase 2018.2

  •  Dec 5, 2018
  •  Gray Area Photos

As the culminating event of our final cohort of 2018, Gray Area gave the public a chance to experience artwork developed by our Incubator Members and Creative Code Immersive Students at the Gray Area Showcase 2018.2.

Twenty artists transformed the Grand Theater into a dynamic series of interactive installations using augmented reality to physical objects and everything inbetween. Stills from the showcase are in the photos below.

Incubator Artists: Anastasia Victor, Andres Cuervo, Ari Kalinowski, Ashwath Anand, Elliot Spelman, Rachel Rose Ulgado, Shihan Zhang, Stephen Standridge, Will Atwood, Xiaohan Zhang

Immersive Artists: Ariana Campyloptera, Ayo Suber, Grace Patuwo, Jody Stillwater, Marc Schroeder, Mona Kasra, Stéphane Huleux, Stephanie Andrews, Ruy Carpenter, Shawn Jackson, Sparrow Silverhawk, Steven Piasecki, Wendellen Li