
Building Virtual Reality Worlds using Three.js

This introductory workshop will give you the essential tools and knowledge you need to create a living, generative world. Hours: 12pm - 6pm. Cost: $180 ($30/hr x 6). This date is sold out but there is still space in the August 21st date of this workshop.

Three.js is a creative coding javascript library designed for making 3D graphics in the browser. In Three.js we will start with a simple cube, like a building block, and evolve it step by step into a personal living environment you can step inside and share with others using Google Cardboard, Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

Participants should come ready with at least web coding basics (HTML, javascript). For beginners we’ll have a simple intro to generative code. For advanced coders there will be Three.js boilerplates, interactive demos and source code on GitHub.
