Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Opening Reception: 7-10pm
$5-20 Sliding Scale Entry
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Exhibition Viewing: 12-6pm
Cash bar for 21+
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Opening Reception: 7-10pm
$5-20 Sliding Scale Entry
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Exhibition Viewing: 12-6pm
Cash bar for 21+
Gray Area's biannual showcases invite the public to experience new artwork developed by our Incubator Members and Creative Code Immersive Students. Gray Area Studio member, ZERO1, will also be showcasing documentation and artist work from their American Arts Incubator cultural exchange program.
Artists will transform the Grand Theater into a dynamic series of interactive installations, using augmented reality to physical objects and everything in between.
Incubator Program Artists: Anastasia Victor, Kieran Farr , Marc Schroeder, Sean Stillwell, Shihan Zhang, Stephanie Andrews, Stephen Standridge, and Steven Piasecki.
Immersive Program Artists: Anahita Aliasgarian, Andrew Lux, Arif Qazi, Ayse Demir, David Sasson, George Michel, Jonathan Lancaster, Kaylie Alexa Kwon, Serena Elston, and Sophia Cui.
ZERO1 Artist: Dasha Ortenberg
If you are new or continuing a career in software-based art, you can enroll in our Education program. If you are a skilled artist or artist team with a portfolio, you can join the Incubator community.
Gray Area provides creative and artistic development resources to artists and organizations. We offer Incubator and Education programs to help creators produce projects at the intersection of art and technology. Our showcases provide an interface for audiences to be inspired and get involved.
Our next Incubator Round begins July 9, applications are open here. The next Creative Code Immersive begins September 3rd, applications are here.